My Podcast

Hi Everyone ,

I’ve done it…I’ve taken a leap of faith and started my Podcast.

My new Podcast, Medical Musings with Sam, is now live on Anchor and other Podcast apps for your listening pleasure.

I’m excited to share a Podcast version of my most popular blogs posts. I have written over 240 articles since starting my blog in 2015, so a Podcast seemed like the next best approach to reach out to a whole new audience.

If reading is difficult for you and watching videos too tiring, I hope my Podcasts will be just another tool, in your chronic illness toolkit, to help you live your best life possible.

It will be available on, Anchor FM, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, ITunes and other most popular Podcast apps.

In exciting news I’m pleased to announce my Podcast is also streaming on Audible, so you can add it to your audio book library.

Listen to Medical Musings With Sam by My Medical Musings on Audible

My Story, is the first episode of “Medical Musings With Sam” followed by 3 episodes on the theme of living a full and fulfilled life with Chronic Illness.

You can check them all out here on my Podcast link, Medical Musings With Sam

I hope you find some takeaways to help you live as well as possible with chronic illness.

Take care

Sam xx