The Sunshine Blogger Award

The beautiful Shannon from MS nuButterflies has nominated me for a Sunshine Blogger Award. Rather than boring you all with stories about me I decided to take the opportunity to introduce you to Shannon and her lovely blog 💗

Sam xx

I nominate the following bloggers to receive the award:

Living Your Life Through Time

Sunshine and Spoons

Being Lydia

Richer for the Travel

Struggling with Serendipity


I was nominated for The Sunshine Blogger Award by Helen’s Journey.  Helen shares her journey as she searches for a more natural approach to life. Part of her journey includes mindfullness , health, and living with Fibromyalgia.  Click the link above to visit Helen.

Thank you so much for the nomination! I enjoyed getting to know the person behind the keypad . That’s what is great about these awards.

The Sunshine Blogger Award Rules

1. Thank blogger(s) who nominated you for the award and link back to their blog.

2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.

3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.

4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

The Sunshine Blogger Award

Helen’s asks and my answers

1. Where in the world are you based and have you ever met up…

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Thankful Thursday: I’m Feeling Grateful!

A beautiful uplifting blog post, from my very special friend Erin, who is reflecting on all the things she is grateful for.

Erin lives with multiple chronic diseases, including debilitating Gastroparesis. Despite her own struggles, Erin has been an amazing support to me, personally and as one of the key moderators on both my Medical Musings with Friends Forum and linked Twitter account.

I’m so grateful for you Erin 💗

Sam xx


A Chronic Spoonful

The Facebook group that I help moderate, Medical Musings with Friends, runs a weekly thread called ‘Thankful Thursdays’.

The wonderful lady who started the forum, Sam, encourages members to reflect on the things that we are thankful for each week. It’s an excellent exercise in gratefulness.

I’ve written before about being thankful, however I wanted to dedicate a specific post to some people and things that I am particularly appreciative for.

img_20171221_133649_3330001789319340.pngMy Husband

Within the first six month or so of dating my husband, I got pneumonia. He came to my aid and helped me out a lot. During our time dating, I was sick on and off, and had several bad injuries. He stuck by me, and made the decision to marry me. He didn’t know, however, that my issues would be permanent.

The last couple of years, when my health has declined, he has been…

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Gastroparesis Awareness Month!

My beautiful friend Erin, blogger at A Chronic Spoonful, suffers from a horrible disease called Gastroparesis. August is Gastroparesis Awareness month & Erin has very clearly explained exactly what this disease is that she & many others relentlessly suffer from.
I’ll leave you to read Erin’s post.
Sam xx

A Chronic Spoonful

Today, the 1st of August, kicks off Gastroparesis Awareness Month!

What is Gastroparesis and why is it important that we have a month dedicated to its awareness and advocacy?

Gastroparesis (GP) is a condition that basically means “paralysed stomach”. People who have it have stomachs that don’t work properly. Instead of being able to squeeze, digest, and move food on, their stomachs aren’t functioning well so food just sits there. That causes a host of symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, GERD, feeling full very quickly, etc.

Those symptoms can lead to malnutrition and dehydration, so GP patients can end up in hospital needing fluids, or on feeding tubes, or TPN.

Sadly, some patients with severe GP do die from it.

We need to care about this disorder there are people, myself included, who suffer every day.

There are limited treatments.

Medications and Botox often fail and/or stop working…

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Confessions of a Spoonie: Sam Moss

Thanks Jodie, from It's Yet Another Blogger, for profiling my blog, my story & promoting my online support forum, Medical Musings with Friends. Really appreciate the opportunity to be interviewed by you for the Confessions of a Spoonie initiative. Please check out Jodie's blog. It's great. Take care Sam xx

Anzac Day – A Day of Remembrance

A beautiful tribute on ANZAC Day from a dear friend of mine. Thanks Bree xx

Travel and Lifestyle with Bree

Today 25th of April 2017 is a day of remembrance .  It marks the anniversary of the 1st major military action fought by Australians and New Zealanders.

Today is a day of reflection. To remember those that gave their life so we could live ours.

Anzac stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

On the 25th April  the Australian and New Zealand forces landed on Gallipoli.  This was a bloody campaign with both sides,the Anzacs and the Ottoman Turkish Defenders with heavy casualties.  This lasted for 8 months. Over 8,000 Australians died in this campaign and many more wounded.  They went through severe hardship in those 8 months.  Even though this failed its “military objectives” April 25 and Gallipoli became the day that Australians remember the sacrifice these men gave their country.

In 1916 on the 25th April, the first Anzac Day commemorations were held around Australia.

Today also we…

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