A Chronic Disease Management Plan – Do You Have One?

At the start of a new week or month, I have a, “what’s on your calendar?” segment on my Facebook Forum, Medical Musings with Friends.

The idea is to take a quiet moment, to think about what lies ahead. We muse about how we are feeling, what we are concerned about, what we are excited about.

Appointments, celebrations and milestones are shared by members, so together we can support and encourage each other.

Sharing those thoughts in a safe place, like an online chronic illness group, is really cathartic. Writing down your thoughts and speaking about them, can help provide clarity in the midst of pain and disease.

Uncertainty often encompasses life at every turn when living with chronic disease. Having friends to turn to, online or otherwise, who are walking in your shoes, can provide so much comfort.

The Chronic Disease Curveball

Sometimes though, when our pain or disease throws us a curveball, it can feel incredibly overwhelming. We can feel anxious and afraid. We often feel isolated as we struggle with worrying symptoms, even though we may be surrounded and supported by friends and loved ones.

All of those feelings are so normal. Partly we feel them because we are experiencing more change. Changes in disease symptoms often results in changing how we need to manage our daily life. Change then causes the grief process to start again.

My pain has escalated to a new level over recent weeks. I know that’s going to happen as my disease progresses. It’s my reality and I can curl up in a ball and give up, or I can take some control over my circumstances.

Like so many of us living with chronic disease, there are often no solutions when my disease progresses, other than making further life changes to accommodate the worsening disability.

I’m a born Leader, planner and organiser, so when changes occur I start automatically thinking about what I can do to accommodate those changes. I was born feet first and my family always joked that I arrived ready for action. That’s not such a bad thing given my life’s circumstances.

The Plan and Review Process

If you’re finding that your disease is worsening and there are little treatment options available, or perhaps you’ve gone into sudden remission, I’d really encourage you to take time to start or review your Chronic Disease Management plan.

If nothing else it will give you a sense of taking some control, in a situation that can feel like a ship in a storm without a captain.

It’s your life, you can be the Captain.


Your Chronic Disease Management Plan can include whatever you want but as a starting point some key areas to consider are:

Activities – What you can do, what do you need help with and what can’t you do?

Environment – Is there anything in your home that is impacting your pain/disease and requires changing? (ie: position of items in cupboards or more major household changes)

Rest Periods – How often do you need them and when? What impedes you having them and what can you do to fix that?

Medical Reviews –  Are you happy with your current medical team? Do you need to make any changes? Are you happy with how often you see them? Do you need to increase or reduce your number of appointments?

Leisure -What are the things that help you relax? How can you make sure you do more of these things?

Family / Friends – Setting boundaries. How often can you cope with visitors etc? Do you need to remove toxic relationships?

Goals – Are there things you really want to achieve (eg: getting out for coffee or maybe a travel goal) How will you do that? What support will you need?

You get the idea. Hopefully these suggestions will get you started or help you update your existing plan. You’ll definitely come up with other things as you start thinking about your own life.

Taking Time to Review

I’m taking time this week to re-evaluate my activities. I’m reviewing what I do now, what can I do differently and asking myself what shouldn’t I be doing at all?

That last question will be the hardest as I love what I’m doing now but I know I have to find more time to rest my body and my mind.

I’ll let you know how I get on with that process. Might take me a little while to work through it 😊.💞

Love & hugs
Sam xx

If you’re looking for genuine support, care, understanding and friendship, you are so welcome to join my closed Facebook support forum, Medical Musings with Friends . It’s a safe place to connect with others living with chronic and complex diseases, who truly understand the daily challenges. A warm welcome awaits.

I’m  a regular Contributor at “The Mighty”. You can check out my published articles at My Author Page

I’m a member of  the Chronic Illness Bloggers Network,  the  Grace Girls Facebook Group and Salt and Light Linkup Group

I also write @ Blogs by Christian Women

If you would like to read a little more about my journey, here’s the link to My Story

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WEGO Health Award 2018 Nominee

20 thoughts on “A Chronic Disease Management Plan – Do You Have One?

  1. This is good reminder for me, I do feel like a ship without a captain and feel so overwhelmed with decrease in mobility along with my husband diagnosed cancer. I need to care for myself but have little motivation. I’m trying to step up and begin making some changes, I detest all the doctor appointments that I need to schedule. Terrific article. Linda


    1. Hi Linda,
      Thank you for your encouragment.

      I’m so sorry to hear you have decreased mobility and of your husband’s cancer. I can absolutely relate to having mobility significantly reduced and my husband has had his share of serious health issues over the past few years.
      One of the major changes I’m making this year is stripping back all Specialist appointments and tests to the absolute essential. I’m exhausted from my medical team wanting to try and fix what we all know has no treatment and is progressive. Thankfully they understand where I’m coming from & are supporting me.

      I so hope you can regain some control and feel like you are the Captain.

      Thank you for dropping in and commenting. I’d love to hear how you get on.
      Take care
      Sam xx


  2. This is such a great idea and helpful advice for all of us with a chronic illness. And it’s especially helpful for me to think of a management plan vs a big ol’ list of things I have to do! Thank you!


    1. Thanks so much for your comment Sarah. It’s really encouraging to know that a post resonates with a reader. All the best with your planning. I hope you find it really helps you xx


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